Confidence, Conversations & Charisma

Formerly known as the ‘Modern Etiquette Workshop’ this workshop has been updated with new content to focus on confidence, social etiquette, our connections and conduct with others to attract joyful relationships into your child’s life.

The workshop will consist of no more than 6-8 students and includes more interaction and new activities for your child’s engagement and enjoyment.

The benefits of the ‘Confidence, Conversations and Charisma’ workshop:

  • Acquire emotional and social skills to enhance your relationships at home and school
  • Learn how to make a good impression and connect with others when out and about, in higher education and in the future workplace
  • Learn what a personal brand means and how to create a powerful personal brand
  • What to talk about/ what not to talk about and how to talk to anyone
  • Learn mealtime etiquette and feel confident dining and socialising
  • The art of being a good host and guest
  • How to interact online and when out and about
  • Gifting etiquette and writing thank you notes
Name Date/Time Age Format Investment Book Now
Mini Manners for 6- 8 year olds Day 1 - TBC - 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
& Day 2 - TBC - 9:30 am - 1:30 pm - (bespoke sessions can be arranged - min 4 children required
6 to 8 year olds In-person-Northwood (HA6) £147 Add to Cart
In-person 'Social Etiquette & Emotional Intelligence' Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th February
from 10 am to 3:15 pm
Monday 4th August and Tuesday 5th August from 10 am to 3:15 pm
8 - 13 years olds In-person-Northwood (HA6) £275 for both days OR

£495 for siblings (10% off)
Add to Cart
In-person 'Social Etiquette & Emotional Intelligence' Tuesday 29th July and Wednesday 30th July 2025
(Two days' workshop)
10:00 am to 3:30 pm
11 -15 years olds In-person-Northwood (HA6) £275 for both days OR

£495 for siblings (10% off)
Add to Cart
14+ The Young Adults Day 1 - TBC - 10 am to 3pm & Day 2
TBC - 10 am to 3pm - (bespoke sessions can be arranged - min 3 students required)
14+ The Young Adults In-person-Northwood (HA6) £275 Add to Cart
Confidence, conversations & charisma for 9 -13 years old  Saturday 19th April, Monday 21st April and Tuesday 22nd April 2025
at 10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Monday 28th July to Thursday 31st July 2025 from 10 am to 11:30 am each day
OR 17:00 pm -18:30 pm
9 to 13 yrs. Online £147 Add to Cart
Dining Etiquette Masterclass  (Summer promotion- free of charge if one of the above courses is booked) A recording of this class will be sent to you upon purchase All ages (6 to 16 years old) Pre-recorded  £20 Add to Cart
Free Talk for Parents and Caregivers - Teaching children etiquette and social skills
(This talk will provide you with nuggets of wisdom from the 'Confidence, Conversations and Charisma' workshop)
Monday 17th March 20:00 - 21:00 Parents Online     FREE (Register to attend the talk) Register
The ‘Confidence, conversations & charisma workshop’ is my signature course offered to:

  • Children aged 6 to 7 yrs.
  • Children aged 8 to 12 yrs.
  • Teens aged 13 to 16 yrs.

Some of the key messages taught are:

  • Have a ‘what can I do for you’ attitude
  • Never let your mood dictate your manners
  • Listen to understand, not to respond
  • Make other people feel special and comfortable
  • Be the best version of yourself
  • In a world where you can be anything, be kind
Summary notes will be provided at the end of the workshop so you may recap the learnings with your child
The course aims to enhance your child’s:

  • Inner and outer confidence
  • Personal brand and image at school and in social situations
  • Future prospects and ability to present themselves well.
  • Relationships with family and friends
  • Empowerment to be the best version of themselves.
  • Ability to put others at ease and make others feel welcome.
  • Assertiveness whilst being polite.
  • Empathy and humility
  • Ability to know how to behave and what to do in different situations.
  • Interview skills and making a good first impression.
The world of education and work is highly competitive, often beginning at an early age with competition for admission into schools. Children who develop confidence and social skills will stand out and will have strong foundations as they move through education and into the world of work.

There is a misconception that good etiquette is snobbish and no longer relevant in modern society however good manners will never go out of fashion. Being able to interact with others using respect and empathy is important.

Whenever we interact with others, we leave an impression of ourselves, our family, our school or our company. You therefore are your own marketing manager and are responsible for your own personal branding. Always maintain a good reputation- it’s easier to maintain a good one rather than recover from a bad one.

Rightly or wrongly, there is a perception that in today’s era, children and teenagers are becoming increasingly disrespectful and selfish. The confidence, conversations and charisma workshop aims to address unfavourable attitudes and the impact of social media and peer pressure; overcoming a ‘herd mentality’ to become authentically best version of themselves.

The confidence, conversations and charisma workshop teaches children about self-worth and confidence and how to be socially savvy. There are implicit ‘rules’ of society- how to behave at someone house, in a library, on public transport or at a sporting event. The more your child practices and role models life skills, the more independence and emotional growth will occur.
The Workshop Itinerary

There will be no more than 8 participants on each course. The course will span across four or five sessions. The course is interactive with discussions, videos, quizzes, and endeavours to provide your child with practical tools on the following topics:

Session 1- First Impressions
What is etiquette and why it is important?
Making a good first impression
Elements of successful communication
Good posture
Session 2- Social Etiquette
Improving your personal image
Meetings and greetings
Introducing others
The red carpet/VIP treatment
The company you keep
'Humanising' people
The art of conversation
Session 3- Family Etiquette and mealtimes 
Conversations- what to talk/not talk about
Playdates and hosting
Etiquette with family and friends
Active listening
Session 4- Netiquette and social situations
Mealtime etiquette
Gifts and thank you notes.
Online interactions and safety including emailing and social media
Session 5- Situational Etiquette
Handling awkward situations
How to behave when out and about
Sports Etiquette
Quiz & Summary

'The emerging adult' age 14-18

A life skills workshop for emerging adults, future leaders, and for teens and young adults to develop skills for their personal and professional relationships.

To find out more or sign up, please email OR BOOK HERE

The ‘bespoke pre-workshop and post workshop’ session includes:

Pre-workshop consultation

A 15-minute conversation to discuss your child’s strengths and areas of improvement and targets including: 

  • behaviour and conduct at home and when ‘out and about’
  • ability to manage emotions at home, in friendships and at school
  • confidence and social skills
  • future leader skills and relationship building including assertiveness


After the workshop we will schedule a one-hour session with your child to recap what they learned in the workshop and discuss targets in some of the following areas: 

  • First impressions
  • Elements of communication: body language and tone of voice
  • Personal image and branding
  • Meeting and greeting
  • Active listening
  • Compassion and thoughtfulness
  • Giving others the ‘VIP/red carpet’ treatment
  • Friendship and connecting with others
  • Charismatic traits
  • The art of conversations
  • Topics of conversation and taboo topics
  • Getting along with your family
  • Mealtime etiquette
  • Gifts and thank you notes
  • Netiquette
  • Sports etiquette

The child can participate in this session with or without the parent and we select some of the topics to focus on and agree an action plan.

Once you purchase this service, you will be contacted by email to book the pre-workshop session. You will also be contacted to schedule the post-workshop session at a mutually convenient time.

Name Date/Time Investment Book Now
Bespoke – pre-workshop and post-workshop session Will be booked at my convenience. £120 Add to Cart

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